Life is Never a cat walk

               Life is Nevet a cat walk
Life gives us hope and courage to live.We experience both happiness and sorrows while moving ahead in life.Their are two sides of the same coin.There is no single person who has not faced any problem while climbing the ladder of success.There are both joyful and sad moments in life but that does not stop us from living life to the fullest and give a full stop to out ambition.
       Everyone who has made it to the top had some exceptional qualities of fighting back and not giving into failures.There are many who give up in harsh circumstances but there are fewer who fight back and not ready to surrender themselves to the unfavourable situations.It all rests in our hand while choosing a way for moving ahead.It's correctly said,"Only those who risk going too far can probably find out how far one can go".
    Things are never easy for anyone.Everyone has to face life's miseries and return back to face the world with an open heart.Life is not a cat walk.
   Everyone has to strive for existence in spite of all setbacks.Every person who made it to the top had persevered day and night and had dream to succeed.Success is hard earned entity.Sometimes we think why God chose us for so many miseries but what we masses and do something great.If you do not strive for existence then:-
●Be prepared to lose the money you earn with all the hard work you do.
●Be prepared to lose your jobs to illegal immigrants.
●Be prepared to lose the ability  to send your kids to college.But also to lose your right to bear arms against enemies; foreign and domestic.
  Slowly and surely without even realize it.You will "Voluntarily" give away those things that so many have fought and died for.The things taken for granted.


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