Diversity, the Beautiful
Diversity, the Beautiful
From a scientific perspective, diversity is a key-stone and core function of the entire universe.One can imagine that without diversity all around, the universe would have been a uni-worse place. Global food chain and its interdependency complexes develop a food web among all the members of plants and animals and all those which are living but they do not fall into the category of plants and animals.
Each and every family member of this global food web is an important player and is a key link or a bridging unit of its own limit and level in general or in specific terms among food chain tiers enabling each other to co-exist.
Religio-political history of the global community does not offer much of respectful experiences in its Pool. Even though several examples are attractive and appealing in all societies across the globe. One of such an example cited by Dimont Max in his work "The Indestructible Jews" that in Medina a society emerged of "three religions and 'one bedroom", wherein "Muhammadans, Christians and Jews shared the same brilliant civilization, an intermingling that affected 'bloodlines' even more than religious affiliations".
Besides several key verses and messages on diversity in the Holy Scriptures, a representative verse from Quran quotes, ordained by God in the following way "Let there be no compulsion in religion". This human's friendly principle was practically implemented in Medina just after a decade of migration from Mecca by the Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH) in the form of a 'civil code' widely referred as the "constitution of Medina".
According to the law brought forward by the said constitution, 'all the religious and racial communities of the city will enjoy equal rights and obligations under the law and there is no superiority', the prophet pronounced, "for an Arab over a non-Arab and for a non-Arab over a Arab, nor for the white over a black nor for a black over a white except in piety".
Religions of the world in their true sense offer excellent civil society principles, democratic and humanistic ethos including respect for diversity and plurality. Encourage inter - faith dialogue, harmony and consultative processes in settlement of disputes and conflict resolution, which ultimately condemn the rootless theory "The Clash of Civilizations" by Huntington.
To promote and encourage plurality one may need remarkable ethnic and religious tolerance in the society. Where as the decline and fall of mighty Mughal Empire in India and several others across the globe through the history was largely due to disrespect and reversal of pluralist ethos.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations in 1948 is very closely lined with the "constitution of Medina" proposed and implemented by the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) except in its geographical wideness. Declaration endorses the 'religious freedom' worldwide. Regretfully, several Islamic states showed their reservations and concerns regarding its universality and Implementation. Although, Pakistan and its neighbors did not see any inconsistency between the commitment to the human rights and Islamic values.
In a contemporary global scenario, specifically in biological terms, "DIVERSITY" falls into the categoiy of 'Endangered' word functionally not only in the third world countries but even in the developed countries. It is because that the developed countries and the multinationals have not played their due role in promoting and ensuring the implementation of true democratic values neither they have encourage
enough the pluralistic norms across the global village.
Religions of the world in their true sense offer excellent civil society principles, democratic and humanistic ethos including respect for diversity and plurality. Encourage inter - faith dialogue, harmony and consultative processes in settlement of disputes and conflict resolution, which ultimately condemn the rootless theory "The Clash of Civilizations" by Huntington.
To promote and encourage plurality one may need remarkable ethnic and religious tolerance in the society. Where as the decline and fall of mighty Mughal Empire in India and several others across the globe through the history was largely due to disrespect and reversal of pluralist ethos.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations in 1948 is very closely lined with the "constitution of Medina" proposed and implemented by the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) except in its geographical wideness. Declaration endorses the 'religious freedom' worldwide. Regretfully, several Islamic states showed their reservations and concerns regarding its universality and Implementation. Although, Pakistan and its neighbors did not see any inconsistency between the commitment to the human rights and Islamic values.
In a contemporary global scenario, specifically in biological terms, "DIVERSITY" falls into the categoiy of 'Endangered' word functionally not only in the third world countries but even in the developed countries. It is because that the developed countries and the multinationals have not played their due role in promoting and ensuring the implementation of true democratic values neither they have encourage enough the pluralistic norms across the global village.
One can evaluate major threats to the diversity are; exploitation of democracy by the super or semi super powers of the world, orthodoxy and secular fundamentalism, geo-political disputes, non - directional and random development, globalization led by vested-interest multinationals and biased international media.
The only way that diversity could be expressed as a strength and not weakness, if the global cornrniinity, the mighty and the poor both ends reasonably accommodate the ethno-cultural and religio-polittcal variations in their socio-cultural traditions and values'. Otherwise in a world of disrespect and disregard for diversity, one can recall this statement by a unanimous thinker that "science, thought, humanity how to fly in the air but not how to live on earth."
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